Tzivos Hashem
Dear Parents, once again, your child is being given the opportunity to join the Tzivos Hashem Program. The program is individually tailored to each child, regardless of background and affiliation, to focus on their personal areas for growth and development. Through personalised missions, your child will be held accountable to his or her personal goals and will be encouraged to strive to reach greater levels of mentchlechkeit and Yiddishkeit!
The Program
This program is a home based one and no participation in any afterschool program is required. Each week, every child receives their own personalised “mission sheet” which includes daily responsibilities such as clearing up after dinner, going to bed on time, davening nicely and extra learning. There are also weekly and monthly tasks based on special occasions, such as Yom Tov missions etc. You can also choose new personal tasks for your child that can be added on to their “mission sheet”.
Membership also includes a weekly magazine, full access to the online TH points store, and a monthly rally with medals and prizes. It also includes access to the international annual auction with thousands of dollars worth of prizes.
As your child completes missions they child will earn points and medals and will move up ‘ranks’. Points earned can be used to redeem prizes including toys and Judaica through our online store. This program has been initiated worldwide and has seen enormous success. By signing your child up to this program, he or she will join their friends in competing and striving to improve their midos and habits.
Registration Cost
Only $80 - Includes membership until February 2024.
Please note: The program cost per child is well over $200. Thanks to the partnership of Chabad Youth, Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, Tzivos Hashem Headquarters, and generous donations from committed members of our community; your child is able to join the program for a greatly subsidized price of $80 for the year.
Tzivos Hashem headquarters charges Chabad Youth $80 per enrolment however, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to participate in this incredible program.
For more information Please contact Menachem Lipskier by email [email protected] or call 0423 553 896
You will also have the opportunity to sponsor a soldier.
Parent Account
Parents can now create a "Parent Account". The Parent Account allows you to track your child’s progress, customize and mark missions and more...To create a parent login to mark your child's missions please click here or go to
With the hope and prayer to complete the final mission to bring MOSHIACH NOW!